Funding Acquired
Together we can spread the Dhamma
far and wide!
Special fund raising events are conducted when Refuge In Dhamma has urgent needs.
At these times, Buddhists who lend a helping hand are genuinely generous and selfless. This is because, on short notice, they are willing to sacrifice their own wealth for the benefit of others in order to help propagate the Dhamma.
This is a truly noble, admirable and wholesome act.
Therefore, let’s rejoice in the contributions that the donors have done!
Funding Acquired
Refuge In Dhamma uses an In-Ear Monitor (IEM) to edit audio for videos instead of speakers. This is necessary due to the following reasons:
- Isolation from External Noise: IEMs provide a way to focus on the sound we are mixing without interference from surrounding noise.
- Monitoring for Accuracy: IEMs allow us to listen to every detail of a mix, such as subtle changes in EQ, reverb, panning, or compression. This helps ensure that the mix will translate well across different listening devices, as IEMs give a clearer sense of balance and clarity.
- Avoiding Sound Spill: As the room that we are using is not sound-proofed, playing audio on speakers can cause disturbance to others. Therefore, we use IEMs to prevent this from happening.
- Space-Saving: The room that we are using is very small and there is no space to put speakers. So using IEMs is more practical with space constraints.
Due to an unknown reason, right side of the IEM stopped working hence affecting the quality of production.
Therefore, we need a new IEM with balanced frequencies for the following reasons:
- Accurate Representation of the Sound: IEMs with balanced frequencies provide a more true-to-life representation of the audio. When the frequencies are well-balanced, the low, mid, and high ranges of the sound can be heard clearly and without distortion or exaggeration. This helps us to make more informed decisions about how the sound should be shaped in a mix.
- Avoiding Ear Fatigue: This is very important as mixing and mastering of audio can take many hours or even days of listening to the same track over and over again. Hence, using IEMs with a balanced frequency range are generally more comfortable to listen to for long periods.
Upon careful consideration, the Truthear HEXA was purchased as it checks all the requirements as mentioned above at a reasonable price.
Fund raising
The following donors offered to pay for Truthear HEXA:
- Alice Ooi
- Baolun
- Chwee Lian
- Cindy Heng
- Henry Nguyen
- Hui Leng
- Irene Chua
- Irene Goh
- Koelyn Chen
- Lim JY
- Peggy Yoon
- Xin Yan
- Winnie Ho
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that Buddhists can get to hear high quality audio in videos. This will help in better understanding of the Dhamma discussions in videos thereby promoting spiritual growth.
Therefore, the donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
Refuge In Dhamma is organising a Pilgrimage to India to visit sacred sites where the historical Gotama Buddha did his missionary work. When embarking on this spiritual journey, every moment is an opportunity for reflection, learning, and connection with fellow travellers.
To ensure that participants can fully engage with the experience, especially when exploring sacred sites like museums, temples, and stupas, a reliable travel Wi-Fi router becomes an essential device. This device, combined with a free peer-to-peer broadcasting app, will enable us to provide clear and effective live audio guidance to all participants, regardless of whether the group is situated in serene museums or amidst the lively chanting of crowded stupas. By providing seamless connectivity and enhancing the audio experience, a travel Wi-Fi router ensures that every participant can hear and fully immerse themselves in the rich narratives and teachings shared by the monastic guide during the pilgrimage.
Fund raising
The following donors offered to pay for GL.iNet Beryl AX:
- Alice Ooi
- Baolun
- Chwee Lian
- Cindy Heng
- Hui Leng
- Irene
- Koelyn Chen
- Lim JY
- Peggy Yoon
- Xin Yan
- Winnie Ho
- XP
- Ziwei
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that the Buddhist pilgrims can learn from the monastic guide’s explanations and participate fully in all activities like chanting and meditation at each site, without getting interfered by the environment. This will also help to make the journey more enjoyable and attract more people to join the Pilgrimage trip, whether they are Buddhists or not.
Therefore, the donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
Currently, Refuge In Dhamma is using a set of wireless microphones for Zoom lessons and recording of Buddhist chants. Although wireless microphones are convenient to use, their sound quality is not good, especially for recording of Buddhist chants.
Audio quality is important nowadays because majority of content creators upload videos onto social media platforms with very good quality audio. If Refuge In Dhamma uploads Buddhist chanting videos with poor quality audio, it will not reflect well on the whole Buddhist community. Therefore, there is a need to get a new condenser microphone that can record good quality audio for upcoming Buddhist chanting videos.
Upon careful consideration, the Rode NT1 5th Generation was purchased due to its good recorded audio quality and comprehensive accessories package. On top of that, a very important feature of the NT1 is the 32-bit float recording. This means that there is a wide dynamic range of audio can be recorded such that if the recorded volume is too soft or too loud, it can be adjusted to the proper levels during post-production.
Therefore, the Rode NT1 provides the best value-for-money compared to other condenser microphones.
Fund raising
The following Buddhist devotees offered to pay for Rode NT1:
- Alice Ooi
- Koelyn Chen
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that the Buddhist community is able to learn Buddhist chanting by listening to good quality audio recordings. This will also help to boost Buddhism’s image as the Buddhist chanting videos will be uploaded to social media platforms which in turn can attract more people to learn the Buddhist chants and embark on the Buddhist spiritual path.
Therefore, the donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
Due to video recording of all the Zoom classes, there is insufficient space to store the video files on the current server. Hence, a bigger server storage size is required.
The new server has an important feature that increases its storage size everyday by 5GB daily. This means that after 1 year, the storage size will increase by 1,825GB = 1.825TB. There will be no price increase with this storage size increase. So, the longer this server is being paid for, the more storage will be available for the same price.
This is an important feature for Refuge In Dhamma as the more Zoom classes are being held, the more video recordings will be saved. This requires a lot of storage space for uploading the files to the cloud to be made available for downloads and streaming.
Fund raising
The following Buddhist devotees offered to pay for the subscription cost of 1 year (28 Nov 2024 – 27 Nov 2025):
- Alice Ooi
- Baolun
- Chris Lee
- Dora
- Henry
- Hui Leng
- J.Y.
- Koelyn
- Liang Xiang
- Peggy Yoon
- Winnie Ho
- Xin Yan
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that Buddhists attending Refuge In Dhamma’s classes will be able to review the lessons by either downloading or streaming the recorded lessons. This helps them to learn the lesson content better thus ensuring that they can progress well on the Buddhist spiritual path.
Therefore, the donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
I had been using the free version of Zoom Workplace to hold online talks.
Although it is sufficient for short talks within 40 mins, it is not enough if there is a need to hold 60 mins and longer talks and/or classes.
Some of the features in the Pro version include:
The most important Zoom Workplace Pro feature is the extended meeting duration of 30 hours. On top of using it for talks and/or classes, it gives the possibility of holding retreats through Zoom Workplace.
Details about full features of Zoom Workplace Pro can be found here.
Fund raising
The following Buddhist devotees offered to pay for the subscription cost of 1 year (2 Aug 2024 – 1 Aug 2025):
- Bao Lun
- Chris Lee
- Koelyn Tan
- Lee Ching Ghee
- Peggy Yoon
- Winnie Ho
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that Refuge In Dhamma is able to open up more avenues for Buddhists to attend its classes. By holding hybrid (onsite & online) classes, this ensures that Buddhists are able to learn Dhamma regardless of their locations.
Therefore, the donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
I had been using a free software called “Davinci Resolve” to edit my videos since I started this website.
Although it is a very capable video editing software with many features enabled for the free version, there are many new AI features that are only available in the paid “Davinci Resolve Studio” version.
These AI features include:
These AI features can help speed up my workflow so that I can spend more time working on explanations for the Dhamma being presented in videos.
Details about full functionalities of Davinci Resolve Studio can be found here.
Fund raising
A Buddhist devotee offered to pay for the software cost which is a one-time payment for a lifetime license.
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that the subsequent videos created by Refuge In Dhamma can be done more efficiently and of better quality. This helps to increase the viewing pleasure for all Buddhists.
Therefore, the donor can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
I had been using an old laptop to work on this website and to prepare lesson materials for the meditation courses. The old laptop was slow and constantly gave me problems like software freezes and operating system crashes. After I upgraded the hard disk and RAM, it made the laptop more stable but still experienced freezes and crashes albeit less frequently.
On 25 September 2022, Jovin Sng approached me to offer to help raise funds to get a new laptop for me. I agreed but told her that it would be cheaper to get 2022’s model the following year in 2023 when new models come out. So, it was agreed to wait until March 2023 and to try to raise funds in the mean time.
However, my old laptop broke down on 26 September 2022. I tried to get it repaired but it costs a few hundred dollars. To me, it is not worth it so I needed to raise enough funds to buy a new laptop as soon as possible as I had the October meditation courses starting on 7 October 2022. This only gave me 2 weeks to get the laptop and set up all the necessary software for live streaming and in-person lessons.
Fund raising
With Jovin Sng organising the fund raising event, thankfully, a number of Buddhists responded to the emergency situation with no hesitation and the funds was raised in 1 week’s time. Among the donors, it should be mentioned that Jennifer Tan and Jessica Poh contributed the most and without the two of them, the fund raising would have taken a much longer time, possibly beyond 7 October 2022. If this had happened, it would mean that the October meditation courses would have to be cancelled. Therefore, through a number of fortunate coincidences, this fund raising was successfully accomplished.
By making this fund raising a success, the donors for this fund raising event are not only contributing to a Sangha member; they are also helping to make sure that the October 2022 and subsequent meditation courses can be successfully conducted. Furthermore, new Dhamma articles on this website can be regularly updated to benefit many visitors of Refuge In Dhamma. Since the propagation of Dhamma by Refuge In Dhamma is done mainly through these two channels, donors who provide support for these two channels are also enhancing the operations.
Therefore, with all the factors mentioned above, these donors can expect extremely substantial good karmic rewards.
Here is the list of donors for this fund raising event:
- Jennifer Tan
- Jessica Poh
- Mae Chee Eng
- Donor
- Alice Yao
- Ellane Wong
- Gan Fong
- Goh Siang Tiang
- Jonn Goh
- Jovin Sng
- Ng Hong Tou
- Pamela Heng
- 三宝弟子
- Tiffany and Jim Family
Blessing ceremony
In appreciation of the donors’ generosity, a blessing ceremony was conducted on 9 October 2022 at 9 am at the Meditation Hall in Palelai Buddhist Temple. (Special thanks to Huixin for taking the time to help record the ceremony in video and take pictures.)
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